Summer Salad with Jicama and Mint
If you’re looking for a cool and light summer salad that can stand alone as a meal or accompany your favorite dish, this is a lovely combination.
Get the recipe here.
Warm Salad Bowl with Kale and Chickpeas 4-ways
Because nothing says “I Love You” more than a Kale-y, I want you to live forever-y warm salad bowl on Valentine’s Day. It’s a little more complicated than most of our recipes, but the result is the perfect winter dish.
Roasted Yams, Sweet Potatoes, and Potatoes with Apple Cider Vinaigrette
Serves Prep Time Cook Time Total Time 4 10 20 30 This one couldn’t be easier and is a perfect winter side-dish. It takes seconds and leaves everyone happy and satisfied. 4 cups Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes 2 Tablespoons DRESS IT UP DRESSING Apple Cider Vinaigrette (enough to brush both sides) For this recipe you can easily use Champagne Vinaigrette or Red Wine Vinaigrette in place of the Apple Cider. I know yams and sweet potatoes are different, but I have difficulty telling them apart and both work equally well in this recipe. Pictured is a medley of colors...
Chopped Kale and Wheatberry Salad
Substantial enough to make an ideal holiday side dish, and delicious served warm or cold. Depending on the proportions you choose, this can be a salad or a grain dish. The wheat berries are firm and nutty, so they have a nice crunch.
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